Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The random, little things that make me smile

Today I love Bangladesh. And because this isn't an all day, every day thing, here are some of the random, little things that made me smile today:

* I woke up in the early hours of the morning to the sound of light rain
* and I had to turn DOWN my fan
* My hair was frizzy and out of control (as it is every day) and I realised I don't care anymore
* I met a big deadline
* I participated in a Communication for Development meeting, contributed and felt incredibly inspired
* A man wearing a mini-skirt lunghi was paraded past my office
* When my rickshaw-wallah this afternoon gave me the most curious look when I started singing along to my iPod
* and I continued to sing (aloud, in public)
* I noticed that my rickshaw-wallah has a gorgeous square jaw and a tiny arse and hips that are, I swear, half the size of mine
* and that I shouldn't be noticing in such detail
* That I kicked arse at the gym
* That I responded, in Bangla, to a lady in the grocery store
* I looked at the photos of my newborn niece Indi again and fell a little bit more in love
* I cooked dinner and realised I DO suck without Clancy's guidance
* There is chocolate in the fridge.

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